Timesketch new UI example

Timesketch, the open-source timeline collaboration tool recently upgraded the UI and that is why I am writing a new blog post to show the new UI by processing a E01 image via plaso.

First, install plaso and timesketch (in my case I used both via docker images as it is the easiest way to get it running.

As a scenario, I am using the image file provided by NIST. Which has been covered in many many blog posts already.

Processing via plaso

First, run the plaso docker container where the image file is stored.

 docker run -v /evidence/:/data log2timeline/plaso log2timeline /data/evidences.plaso /data/4DellLatitudeCPi.E01

That will run for a while.

plaso - log2timeline version 20191203

Source path		: /data/4DellLatitudeCPi.E01
Source type		: storage media image
Processing time		: 00:23:38

Tasks:          Queued  Processing      Merging         Abandoned       Total
                0       0               0               0               12210

Identifier      PID     Status          Memory          Sources         Events          File
Main            7       completed       293.9 MiB       12210 (0)       168913 (0)      
Worker_00       14      idle            288.7 MiB       5804 (0)        82139 (0)       TSK:/WINDOWS/system32/config/systemprofile/Start Menu/Programs/Accessories/Accessibility/Utility Manager.lnk
Worker_01       16      idle            268.9 MiB       6405 (0)        86774 (0)       TSK:/WINDOWS/system32/config/systemprofile/Start Menu/Programs/Accessories/Entertainment/desktop.ini

Processing completed.

Number of warnings generated while extracting events: 2.

Use pinfo to inspect warnings in more detail.

MD5 (evidences.plaso) = 82ed76c50a6152a8c96cd959ad494b53

Install and start Timesketch

For this sample, I used the dev version of docker according to https://github.com/google/timesketch/tree/master/docker/development

docker-compose up -d
export CONTAINER_ID="$(sudo docker container list -f name=development_timesketch -q)"

Import data

Create a case via Web UI

Create the Case in Timesketch

I decided to upload the plaso file via Web-UI.

Timesketch data upload

Also in the Web UI, process feedback is visible

Timesketch data uploading

Now data is being indexed

Timesketch data indexing

This will trigger an entry in the debug output

[2019-12-30 19:22:38,018: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: timesketch.lib.tasks.run_plaso[2ab18910-e2e1-4b0d-977c-948605b335dd]  
[2019-12-30 19:22:38,088: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Index timeline [evidences] to index [d3cf025c5c94498e8300190d92e483ae] (source: plaso)
[2019-12-30 19:24:13,148: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task timesketch.lib.tasks.run_plaso[2ab18910-e2e1-4b0d-977c-948605b335dd] succeeded in 95.0877274190002s: 'd3cf025c5c94498e8300190d92e483ae'

Data exploring

After indexing, the data is ready to be explored via Timesketch


One of the new cool features is Analyzers. These analyzers run predefined queries on the data of a timeline do some actions like

  • add tags to matching events (e.g. phishy-domains)
  • add new fields to an event (e.g. browser search would add a field called „search_string

Answering questions

To showcase the power of Timesketch, let’s try to solve some of the questions of NIST that came along with the image

What operating system was used on the computer?

This is rather easy as plaso already has a parser for that, so searching for „Windows NT*CurrentVersion“ will do the job

What is the timezone settings?

Again, plaso is already parsing that, searching for „timezone“ will show „ActiveTimeBias: 300 Bias: 360 DaylightBias: -60 DaylightName: Central Daylight Time StandardBias: 0 StandardName: Central Standard Time

Convert vmdk to raw / dd

Found a vmdk file / image of a virtual server and want to investigate it? Most forensic tools work with image files (such as DD output or raw) and a small tool can help you to convert it:

Install qemu:

apt-get install qemu

qemu-img convert -p -O raw source.vmdk destination.raw