Let’s talk about time – in a different blog

I wrote a blogpost, but in a different blog that I however wanted to link to. It is a blog that is maintained by a bunch of open source digital forensics incident response people some of which are my current team mates.

The blogpost is about Time. More specific on some general ideas and concepts around time. It then goes on to explain how time is relevant in IT and why it is important in digital forensics. It also contains some recommendations that everyone can (and should) apply.

Here is a except of the goal of the blog post:

This article explains the importance and challenges of time in digital forensics and incident response. You will learn how time is handled in various open source tools and get practical tips on managing time in your environment.

Are you curious: go over to: https://osdfir.blogspot.com/2021/06/lets-talk-about-time.html

Konsolen und Systemsteuerung per Kommandozeile

Nette Ausführung auf aquasonic zum Thema Konsolen per Kommandozeile starten gefunden. Dabei werden die einzelnen Module der Systemsteuerung gestartet und können dort verändert werden.

Die Kommandozeile erreicht man über Start -> Ausführen -> cmd.exe


certmgr.msc – Certificate Manager / Zertifikatmanager
ciadv.msc – Indexing Service / Index Service
compmgmt.msc – Computer management / Allgemeines management
devmgmt.msc – Device Manager / Datenträgerverwaltung
dfrg.msc – Defragment /defragmentierung
diskmgmt.msc – Disk Management / Diskmanagement
fsmgmt.msc – Folder Sharing Management / Verzeichnissfreigabe
eventvwr.msc – Event Viewer / Eventmanager
gpedit.msc – Group Policy -XP Pro only / Gruppenrichtlinien
iis.msc – Internet Information Services / IIS
lusrmgr.msc – Local Users and Groups / lokaleBenutzer und gruppen
mscorcfg.msc – Net configurations / Netzwerkeinstellungen
ntmsmgr.msc – Removable Storage / Wechseldatenträger
perfmon.msc – Performance Manager / Leistungsmanager
secpol.msc – Local Security Policy / lokale Sicherheitsrichtlinien
services.msc – System Services / Dienste
wmimgmt.msc – Windows Management / Windows


access.cpl – Accessibility Options / Zugriff
hdwwiz.cpl – Add New Hardware Wizard / Neue Hardware hinzufügen
appwiz.cpl – dd/Remove Programs / Software installieren / deinstallieren
timedate.cpl – Date and Time Properties / Zeit und Datum Einstellungen
desk.cpl – Display Properties / Anzeigeoptionen
inetcpl.cpl – Internet Properties / Internet Optionen
joy.cpl – Joystick Properties / Joystick Einstellungen
main.cpl keboard – Keyboard Properties /Tastaur Einstellungen
main.cpl – Mouse Properties / Mouse Einstellungen
ncpa.cpl – Network Connections / Netzwerkverbindungen
ncpl.cpl – Network Properties / Netzwerkeinstellungen
telephon.cpl – Phone and Modem options / Telefon und Modem Optionen
powercfg.cpl – Power Management
intl.cpl – Regional settings / Regionaleinstellungen
mmsys.cpl sounds – Sound Properties / Sound Einstellungen
mmsys.cpl – Sounds and Audio Device Properties / Sound und Audio Geräte Einstellungen
sysdm.cpl – System Properties / System Einstellungen
nusrmgr.cpl – User settings / Benutzer Einstellungen
firewall.cpl – Firewall Settings (sp2) / Firewall Konfiguration
wscui.cpl – Security Center (sp2) / Sicherheitszentrale

Zu beachten ist die Tatsache, dass per Konsole nicht über Argument gearbeitet werden kann um z.B. Konfigurationen zu automatisieren.

